Scenario Temparossa is project of the Regional Government of Basilicata aimed at developing an environmental and socio-territorial baseline of the Gorgoglione mining concession area. A baseline is the document that collects and systemises data on the qualitative and quantitative reality of environmental and socio-economic resources in an area affected by a high-impact project. For the Regional Government of Basilicata, in the area of Gorgoglione mining concession, the baseline constitutes a ” point zero” which will allow monitoring and control of future extraction activities.
Through an articulated methodological design centered on active listening of the local communities, we immersed ourselves in the local reality of the area, understanding local needs, collecting perceptions and recommendations and sharing the activities and results of the baseline with the local population and regional stakeholders.
An activity that combines social research and active listening, that ensures the inclusion of all voices through the careful combination of tools and techniques and that can lay the foundations for a stable, constructive and inclusive dialogue between public authorities and local communities.
Find out more about Scenario Temparossa.
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